Thursday, October 29, 2015

October 29th, 2015

Today was a fun lesson learning the fruits. The difficultly came in one of the games, the students needed cards with pictures on it instead of just the words to increase the understanding of the activity. I am learning how much language learners need as many modes of learning as possible. Children have a love to move and to dance. Learning can be fun and engaging and still effective! 

Arts Bridge Integrated Lesson Plan
By: Katelynn Reed
Subject Concepts
Arts Concepts
Content Covered: Learning nouns, fruits

Content Covered:
Locomotor steps
Energy qualities
Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to memorize all the names of the fruit

Learning Outcomes:
The students will be able to locomote in different pathways through the space with a partner and be able to embody different shapes and different energy qualities in those shapes.

Lesson Plan

Learning Objectives: By the end of the 30min class period the students will be able to memorize the names of the different fruits through different shapes and energy qualities in that shape.

Assessment: Mastery of the Frutas song.
Materials Needed:

Youtube connection


Lesson Sequence:

1.      Warm Up with the vowels dance

2.      Warm Up with the action verb dance

Nouns: Frutas

First review all the fruits and their appearance and look how the word is spelled.

Write the different fruits on the piece of paper. Enough for each student to have a different fruit written on their card. The children will stay in a shape. When they hear their fruit being called, they can move are the room and dance until the teacher says stop and calls a different fruit. The teacher may call more than one fruit at a time.

·         Naranja (organge)
·         Manzana (apple)
·         Platano (banana)
·         Pera (pear)
·         Cereza (Cherry)
·         Uvas (grapes)
·         Fresa (strawberries)
·         Melon (melon)
·         Sandia (watermelon)
·         Melocoton (peach)
·         Ciruela (plum)
·         Mango

You are making and orchestra of fruit. There will be five different groups.
1.      Platono (Say the word twice and then peel the banana)
2.      Mansana (say one time then half Mansna, sana making a curving circle with the arms)
3.      Mango (Say mango three times with the hips swaying back and forth
4.      Uvas (say uvas four times while making circles with the hands and placing them in the space)
5.      Sandia (say one time and then pretend like you are sitting watermelon seeds)

El balie de la fruita:

Students will make a locotmotor pathway with their class by connection shoulders with their arms and making a chain. At first they will start with one line leader, then they will split the line and make two line leaders, then they will split again to make two line leaders and so forth.

Melocoton (peach) fists punp down
Mansana (apple)- under curve arms
Pera (pear)- swivels
Pina (pinapple) angled arms on three different levels
Platono (banana) just make the shape of the banana with your body.

Muneca (doll)
Llave (key)

1 comment:

  1. I absolutely love your pictures! The children look so excited to be learning and the shapes they are all creating together are very imaginative and fun! I thought your idea of giving the fruits a type of energy quality was a great idea to increase memory and teach a dance concept at the same time. You are doing great!
